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Win in AI Search with Essential SEO Strategies

Written by Stephanie Ortiz Roman ·

May 2024

Win in AI Search with Essential SEO Strategies

Are You Invisible on the 'Smart' Marketplace?

Imagine you're a marketing manager looking for the best email automation tool. Instead of wading through endless Google search results, you turn to an AI-powered software marketplace like G2 or Capterra. Or you might ask ChatGPT: "I need an email automation tool with advanced segmentation for a 10,000-person list."

The chatbot instantly recommends several options, even some new ones. It highlights features, integrates seamlessly with your CRM, and lets you compare pricing.

Traditional Google based keyword searches suddenly feel outdated.

Has this scenario happened to you? As SEO experts, we're seeing firsthand how the rise of generative AI is reshaping the way customers shop for software solutions, and everything else. This type of customer journey is rapidly becoming the norm.

Even the best SEO won't save your visibility if customers can't find you in these new AI-powered ecosystems.


The AI Search Revolution is Here – Here’s How You Can Adapt

This post explores how AI is changing how customers find software solutions, and the essential SEO practices you need to stay ahead of the curve. Collaborating with experts in this emerging field will position your solution for long-term success, not just survival.

Uncertainty Breeds Opportunity

This shift can be daunting, and understandably creates concerns about marketing attribution. How will you know if an AI-influenced recommendation led to a sale? These disruptive changes leave many businesses feeling unprepared.

Yet, the opportunity to better adapt and meet customer needs in this AI-driven landscape is immense. Let's explore this concept with a tangile example. Traditional healthcare directories often struggle with complex searches like "LGBTQ friendly OBGYN near me" due to their reliance on exact keywords. Generative AI can solve this by understanding search intent, recognizing synonyms, and analyzing user reviews. This leads to more relevant search results, ensuring that directories connect providers with the patients who need them. By using AI, directories can improve patient experience, attract a wider range of patients, and help LGBTQ-friendly providers better reach their target audience.

Industry Spotlight: Software, Healthcare, & E-Commerce CPG

Disruption from AI is particularly transformative within certain industries. If your business is in software, healthcare, or e-commerce selling consumer packaged goods (CPG), especially in sectors like food and beverage, adapting your SEO strategy is especially urgent.

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Optimizing for AI Chatbots

Remember the scenario from our intro, where a customer relied on a chatbot instead of a traditional search? This is becoming the norm and presents a major SEO challenge: attribution.

The Gen AI Blind Spot:

Clickthroughs from AI-driven recommendations may not register as organic traffic the way you're used to tracking in tools like SEMrush or Google Analytics. This makes it difficult to understand the true ROI of your SEO efforts.

The Financial Impact:

Without accurate attribution, you could be wasting your budget on underperforming channels or missing opportunities to scale what is working. Agencies can help bridge this gen AI gap with:

  • UTM Parameters & Tracking: Strategically integrate UTM codes for more granular data.
  • Custom Events: Set up event tracking for key interactions on your site triggered by chatbot referrals.
  • Structured Data: Ensure rich snippets and schema markup are optimized for AI tools and search engines. This means organizing information in your website's code so search engines clearly understand what you want to communicate to users.

Proactive Optimization Saves Money

Think of it like flying blind as a pilot – you're still spending fuel (marketing dollars) but without clear navigation. The rise of chatbot search is accelerating, with the market for generative AI chatbots expected to grow a staggering 27% annually through 2032. Much like the early days of voice search adoption, businesses that don't adapt their strategies risk significant financial losses.

Key Takeaway: Don't let AI-powered recommendations create blind spots in your marketing analysis. Proactively bridge the attribution gap by strategically using UTM parameters for detailed tracking, setting up custom event tracking on your site to capture referral-specific actions, optimizing your structured data (schema markup), and even employing predictive modeling for informed estimation. Partnering with specialists in data analysis will ensure you have the insights needed to make informed budget decisions and gain maximum visibility in the evolving search landscape.

AI for Content: Pros/Cons (with a Marketing Expert's Take)

Let's be honest, AI-powered writing tools are undeniably tempting. But as a marketing expert with over a decade of experience in the evolution of web-based tools (and a self-proclaimed AI geek who's been experimenting since the days of Cleverbot!), I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of AI content generation.

Before diving headfirst, it's vital to understand the potential benefits and risks:

The Pros

  • Speed & Efficiency: AI can quickly generate drafts, variations on a theme, and even basic content like product descriptions. This can free up your human team for more strategic work.
  • Idea Generation: Stuck in a creative rut? AI tools like Jasper AI, Copy AI, and Gemini Advanced can offer prompts or alternative angles, sparking new ideas.
  • Data-Driven Content: Some AI tools analyze search trends for your niche (SaaS, healthcare, etc.), helping you craft content that addresses the unique search intent of buyers and potential patients. This can be valuable for targeting specific queries.

The Cons

  • Misinformation: AI can easily generate factually incorrect content, especially if not trained in identifying primary sources of factual information. This can seriously damage your reputation.
  • Lack of Originality: Studies indicate that AI-generated marketing copy often relies on stock phrases and lacks the originality that resonates with customers.
  • SEO Risks: Over-reliance on AI content can lead to search engines flagging your site for low-quality, unoriginal material. Think of it like Google's version of plagiarism detection. In fact, with the recent changes to the March 2024 Google algorithm update, content that reads like a robot wrote it and doesn't provide a clear intent of informing the reader as a top priority is more likely to get flagged than ever before. Scary, huh?

AI for SEO: Why Agencies Are Essential


Thinking of AI as a glorified virtual assistant is a great analogy. You wouldn't hire an assistant without clear goals and training, right? The same goes for AI tools. While I am utterly fascinated with tools like Gemini Advanced, which does an excellent job interpreting my instructions, AI's success relies heavily on user expertise. That's where agencies like IMM come in.

We help you:

  • Expert Prompt Engineering: The difference between generic AI output and truly valuable content lies in the prompts you use. Our deep understanding of AI tools translates to better results for you.
  • Ethical AI Integration: Finding tools with transparent training data and implementing safeguards against misinformation maintains trustworthiness.
  • Human-AI Collaboration: Using AI as a tool that works alongside your existing team amplifies their efforts for even greater success.
  • SEO-Focused Content: Ensuring AI-generated content aligns with broader keyword strategies and prioritizes offering true value to the reader.

Key Takeaway: AI content generation tools offer a powerful means to create content at scale, but wielding this power responsibly is crucial. Here's where agencies become vital partners:

  • Ethical AI Integration: Agencies can help you choose tools with transparent training data and safeguards against misinformation. They'll ensure your content reflects your brand's values and avoids perpetuating bias.
  • Human Expertise for Quality Control: AI is a tool, not a replacement for human creativity and judgment. Agencies provide experienced copywriters and editors to refine AI outputs, ensuring content is factually accurate, engaging, and aligns with your brand voice.
  • SEO-Focused Optimization: Agencies understand how AI search engines work and how to tailor AI-generated content for optimal ranking and organic reach. They'll ensure your content strategy leverages AI tools strategically for maximum SEO benefit.
  • Long-Term Content Strategy: AI is a piece of the content puzzle, not the whole picture. Agencies can help you develop a comprehensive content strategy that integrates AI tools seamlessly with other tactics like high-quality human-written content and effective content promotion.

By working alongside an experienced agency, you can leverage the power of AI content generation responsibly and ethically, elevating your content strategy and achieving a competitive edge in the evolving digital landscape.

Understanding Google's AI Search

While the 'keyword stuffing' days are long gone, AI now makes understanding search intent even more vital to your SEO success. The specifics of Google's AI advancements may be shrouded in secrecy, but one thing is certain: AI is reshaping how Google understands search queries and ranks results. This can be unsettling, especially with the pace of technological change. But agencies like IMM help you turn uncertainty into opportunity.

Proactive Insights, Not Panic

  • Focus on the Actionable: Instead of losing sleep over every algorithm update rumor, agencies help you focus on what changes are confirmed and how they impact your SEO efforts now.
  • Search Console Clues: Will Google's tools provide new metrics specific to AI-influenced search behavior? Agencies will be the first to analyze and strategize around this data. We help you stay ahead of the competition.
  • Beyond Keywords: Understanding natural language processing and how it changes the way Google interprets meaning is vital. Agencies help you adapt your content strategy to align with these shifts, ensuring you remain findable.

The Agency Advantage: Staying Adaptable

Remember, search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, even more so with AI in the mix. Agencies keep a pulse on:

  • Google Updates & Announcements: Dissecting official statements for clues about how AI factors into ranking decisions. This allows us to tailor our SEO recommendations accordingly.
  • Search Community Insights: SEOs share observations and experiments. Agencies help you filter the noise to find actionable takeaways that keep your site at the forefront of search results.

Key Takeaway: It's not about outsmarting generative AI models, including Google’s, but strategically evolving alongside them. Agencies are your partners in ensuring your business stays visible and relevant in this new landscape.

Disruption Demands Action

The AI revolution isn't a distant threat – it's transforming search as we speak. Businesses clinging to outdated SEO practices will be buried in the search results, while those who embrace the future will reap the rewards. This is a defining moment: choose stagnation or growth.

We've Exposed the Challenges:

AI chatbots are upending customer journeys, making traditional attribution a nightmare. AI content tools, without expertise, lead to low-quality output that Google will punish. Understanding Google's AI is now a survival skill – one that requires constant vigilance.

Here's How We Can Help:

  • AI-Focused Attribution Analysis: We'll tailor your tracking to gain insights into how AI marketplaces influence your customer journey
  • SEO Strategy Refinement: We'll analyze your site and optimize your content for maximum visibility in this new landscape, emphasizing valuable content for readers and AI search engines.
  • Strategic AI Integration: We'll help you harness the power of AI content tools ethically and responsibly to amplify your team's efforts.

Are you plagued by uncertainty about the future of your business in this rapidly shifting landscape? The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to catch up. IMM is a full-service marketing agency specializing in SEO (local and traditional), media, analytics, and more. We're more than consultants – we're partners in your growth.

Don't gamble your business's future on outdated tactics. Schedule a free consultation with IMM today and unlock the full power of AI-resistant search strategies

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We build immersive digital experiences, but most importantly we build momentum. Ideas Made Measurable is a full-service digital agency designed for brands ready to capitalize on change. With data as our northstar, our extensive expertise inspires consumer action to drive results that can completely transform our clients’ businesses. And we’re lucky enough to do what we love with Boulder, Colorado as our backdrop.